“There is a place, a sliver of a place, in the back of one’s mind that was dreamt of when the moon was full, and the stars sung in harmony.”

“Some say it’s a defender of light whilst others say it is and emissary of light. Somehow, someway it has re-appeared in the heart of winter. Ephemeral and venerable it gently sings and gently sways. What is it and why has it re-emerged?”


About the Artist

Skunk Control create engaging and immersive experiences that provide the public with a sense of wonderment and opportunities to make delightful discoveries. Drawing on technology, art, their fondness for all things left of field, and a mantra to create works that encourage a belief in as many as 6 impossible things before breakfast, their creations are informed by large dollops of colour, light and a splash of whimsy that harkens back to their formative years of learning.